This week, August 1-7th is National Farmers Market Week. The US Department of Ag has announced a proclamation making this week National Farmers Market Week.
This year marks the 11th annual National Farmers Market Week. Since the USDA began declaring National Farmers Market Week in 2000, the number of farmers markets has almost doubled, from 2,863 markets in 2000 to 5,274 in 2009.
“Farmers markets are good for you for health, good for your community, and good for the economy” says Stacy Miller, Executive Director of the Farmers Market Coalition, a nonprofit supporting farmers markets across the country. “During Farmers Market Week, we invite everyone to celebrate the freshest foods from America’s most entrepreneurial farmers by supporting their local farmers markets.”
Windsor's market is proud to offer an EBT/Debit machine as well as Harvest Health Coupons and Farm to Family Vouchers. Want to learn more about any of these things, please don't hesitate to stop by the market managers booth.
Other facts about farmers markets in general:
* California, New York, Iowa, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Massachusetts, Ohio, and Kentucky are the states with the most farmers markets.
* The USDA estimates that farmers markets provide income opportunities for at least 150,000 direct-marketing farmers and food producers across the country.
* More than 870 markets operate nationwide between November and May in 2009, a time often considered ‘off season.’ This number is growing rapidly.
* It’s estimated that approximately $1.3 billion in direct farm-to-consumer sales occurred in farmers markets in 2009.
* Farmers markets accepted over $44 million in WIC (Women, Infant and Children) and SFNP (Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program) vouchers in 2009 – making fresh food available to millions of low income families.
* More than 1,000 farmers markets are estimated to accept Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits in 2010. Between 2008 and 2009, the amount of SNAP dollars redeemed at farmers markets increased more than 100%.
* Farmers at farmers markets donate hundreds of thousands of pounds of fresh produce to local social service agencies across the country each year.